www.japaninc.com April 02, 2009

jin at mailman.japaninc.com jin at mailman.japaninc.com
Thu Apr 2 18:21:04 JST 2009

What's online this week at J at pan Inc magazine:

Half past dead <http://www.japaninc.com/Nikkei_rebound>

About a year ago today, I published a weekly Nikkei outlook discussing
whether the Nikkei was headed to 13,000 or back to 12,000. Suffice to
say that much has happened since then...


Out of the rubble <http://www.japaninc.com/node/3981>

By Timm Tuttle

The Aneha housing safety standard fiasco means a new insurance system
for houses, but with only a handful of insurers designated so far, will they

be able to handle the workload?


Japan - The Lost Quarter Century <http://www.japaninc.com/node/3977>

By Edward Hugh

Despite the fact that Japanese Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano said Friday
that February's fall in the so called "core-core" consumer price index
mean Japan is back in deflation, few are ready to accept his judgement. Data

released on Friday showed a 0.1 percent on-year fall in the core-core index
(that is the basic index with food and energy stripped out), while the core
consumer price index (which only excludes food) was flat from a year


The End of the Beginning <http://www.japaninc.com/node/3975>

By Tobias Harris

Ozawa Ichiro indicated, in a
conference Tuesday evening, that he
will stay on as DPJ president despite the indictment of his chief public
— but Ozawa's statement may have only been the end of the beginning of the
act of Ozawa's long career...
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